Top 10k strings from Disassembler (1984)(Simplesoft).z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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1 x88x Tx<DDD8 1 c(M)ENU (C)OPY (A)LTER BYTE 1 WITH BYTE 1 STARTADDRES 1 RLCA!RRCA!RLA! RRA! DAA! CPL! SCF! CCF! 1 RLC@!RRC@!RL@! RR@! SLA@!SRA@!SLL@!SRL@! 1 REPLACE FROM 1 PUSH@BC!CALL@%! PUSH@DE!?! 1 POP@BC! RET! POP@DE! EXX! POP@^! JP@(^)! POP@AF! LD@SP,^! 1 NZ!Z !NC!C !PO!PE!P !M ! 1 NOP! EX@AF'! DJNZ@$! JR@$! JR@NZ $!JR@ Z $!JR@NC $!JR@ C $! 1 LDI! CPI! INI! OUTI!LDD! CPD! IND! OUTD!LDIR!CPIR!INIR!OTIR!LDDR!CPDR!INDR!OTDR! 1 LD@BC,%! ADD@^,BC!LD@DE,%! ADD@^,DE!LD@^,%! ADD@^,^! LD@SP,%! ADD@^,SP! 1 IN@B,(C) !OUT@(C),B!SBC@HL,BC!LD@(%),BC!NEG! 1 I;" STOP THE TAPE " 1 GOTO 130 TO SAVE THE SHORT-ENED PROGRAM 1 DISASSEMBLER 1984 SIMPLESOFT 1 COPY FROM 1 BC!DE!^! SP! 1 B! C! D! E! H! L! (&)!A! 1 ADD@A,!ADC@A,!SUB@! SBC@A,!AND@! XOR@! OR@! CP@! 1 @(BC),A!@A,(BC)!@(DE),A!@A,(DE)!@(%),^! @^,(%)! @(%),A! @A,(%)! 1 <xx< (<<@8Dx 1 ;"This extremely useful utility isfrom a guest hacker in Holland. It has already supplanted lesserweapons in Prang's arsenal, so it must be the business!" 1 ;"Press a key to continue": 1 ;"Disassembler by Bert Vierstra"'' 1 8 RETURN TO BASIC 1 7 RUN CODE 1 6 COPY CODE 1 5 REPLACE BYTES 1 4 NUMERIC-DUMP 1 3 CHARACTER-DUMP 1 1 DISASSEMBLE 1 ''''"When you leave the Disassembler you will return here." 1 ''"This help file is in BASIC and can be deleted to free some mem-ory after you are familiar with the functions." 1 ''"Run code function-"''' 1 ''"Replace bytes function-"'' 1 ''"REMs in the listing will guide you in this, and in making a copy of the shortened program. LINE 0 won't list, so do LIST 2." 1 ''"Press:" 1 ''"Numeric-dump function-"''"Prints a pageful of bytes as hexor decimal numbers, according tothe mode." 1 ''"Loader Function-"''' 1 ''"(M)ENU (C)OPY (A)LTER BYTE"''"When a page is full, pressing M brings you back to the menu, C makes a hardcopy on a ZX printerand A gives you the opportunity to alter a byte. Any other key continues the original function." 1 '"The program is menu driven and has a number of other useful functions. Using the program is the quickest way to learn how itworks, but a brief description follows." 1 '"The main function of this pro- gram is to translate machine code into assembly language mne-monics to make it easier to fol-low. The addresses are expanded into decimal or hex depending onthe mode selected." 1 '"The Disassembler does not check if you are overwriting the Dis- assembler itself, so beware!" 1 "disassembl" 1 "You can load bytes into memory in hex or decimal form, numbers will be printed according to themode selected, see Input." 1 "The disassembler is written in machine code stored in a REM Statement in line 0, at address 23760, length 3470 bytes. It is not relocatable, and therefore will not work with Microdrives." 1 "Prints memory as characters, with non printable bytes (C<32 or C>164) replaced by "".""." 1 "Input: ENTER without a number 1 "First you will be asked to enterthe address you want to copy from, then the address you want to copy to, and then the length of the block of code." 1 "First enter the start address of the block to be filled, then the last address+1(!), and then the byte you want to fill the block with." 1 "Enter the start address of the routine, the return will be to the Disassembler. The routine must enable interrupts before returning or you will have to pull the plug." 1 "DISASSEMBL" 1 "Copy code function-"'' 1 "Character-dump function-"'' 1 you enter is 1 will be regarded as zero. 1 will be regarded as Hex. 1 use CAPS SHIFT + 6." 1 the number 1 not be handled correctly." 1 if you want to read this 1 if you want to QUIT." 1 if you want to Disassemble"''''" 1 caping from 1 at the end will 1 and Hex numbers without 1 again"'''" 1 PUSH@^! ?! 1 PUSH@AF!?! 1 OUT@(#),A!IN@A,(#)! EX@(SP),^!EX@DE,HL! DI! 1 Numbers bigger than 255 1 LD@R,A! IN@D,(C)! OUT@(C),D!SBC@HL,DE!LD@(%),DE!?! 1 LD@I,A! IN@C,(C)! OUT@(C),C!ADC@HL,BC!LD@BC,(%)!?! 1 LD@A,I! IN@E,(C)! OUT@(C),E!ADC@HL,DE!LD@DE,(%)!?! 1 If the last Character 1 IN@L,(C)! OUT@(C),L!ADC@HL,HL!LD@HL,(%)!?! 1 IN@F,(C)! OUT@(C),F!SBC@HL,SP!LD@(%),SP!?! 1 IN@A,(C)! OUT@(C),A!ADC@HL,SP!LD@SP,(%)! 1 Escaping: the same as es- 1 Delete from here down to free memory 1 AND THEN PRESS ANY KEY 1 (or 65535 for addresses) 1 !LD@A,R! IN@(H),C! OUT@(C),H!SBC@HL,HL!LD@(%),HL!?!